Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

About Distinguished You

We’re a company founded by our CEO Shawn. We’re passionate about creating quality courses that really help our community (primarily our students) to make that next step in life. 

Distinguished You is part of Distinguished SEO, a company originally aimed at helping established businesses thrive online. Through Distinguished You we’re now aiming at helping individuals thrive!

We believe there are many crucial facets of life in which every person can develop themselves to move forward in life. In our view there are however a couple of these facets that are foundational:

  • Business/income
  • Personal development (emotional stability & maturity)
  • Health

The more you thrive in these facets, the more you’ll be equipped to take on any other facet that you deem important.

That’s why we, at Distinguished You, focus on these facets. Our first focus is on the business & income aspect, but we’re actively planning on expanding to the two other foundational facets.

We’re here to help you Level Up! in all of these facets so we can contribute to you thriving in life!

Quality is at the core of our values. We’re furthermore convinced that qualification is an essential part of quality and is something that has to start right at the top of an organization.

Such is the case here at Distinguished You! Our founder, Shawn, has University degrees in both Business Sciences and Computer Science. He has an extensive career in helping companies (from startups to multinational corporations) improve across a range of business aspects. 

On top of that he’s a seasoned entrepreneur himself. All of this together profoundly qualifies him to help others start their own thriving (online) business; you’d be hard pressed to find better qualifications out there!

Shawn is also a lifelong student of personal development and has valuable experience in both being coached and coaching others in this area. And lastly he is avidly involved in sporting and living in a healthy way by implementing healthy choices and habits in day-to-day life.

To ensure quality in all we do, we make sure that everyone involved with or contributing to Distinguished You is an authority in their respective areas. The courses and other material we provide at Distinguished You are made in collaboration with seasoned professionals and experienced course creators in their respective disciplines. 

All of this together enable us to create high-value, premium courses that really help in propelling our students forward!

Distinguished You is located in The Netherlands, a country renowned for entrepreneurship and its international orientation. 

The Dutch (as citizens of The Netherlands are called) are reliable, hard-working, quality-driven, open and direct in their communication and have a no-nonsense can-do mentality.  These characteristics are also at the core of Distinguished You.

You are free to contact us with any enquiries you have about our products and services or if you’re experiencing technical difficulties with our digital platform.

The best and quickest way to reach out to us is via our contact form. On that page you’ll also find the rest of our contact information.

At Distinguished You we value your privacy immensely, whether you’re a casual visitor to our website, or a student of ours, and everything in between.  

We will never use information you provide us with for any purpose other than what you explicitly consented to, or is implicitly needed for the product or service we’re providing you with, or is needed for us to monitor and improve our services and business in general.

We will never share your information with any 3rd party and employ industry standard security measures to protect your information. 

Please also see our Privacy Policy.

Our Products & Services

We provide premium courses in the areas of:

  • Business & income
  • Personal development (emotional stability & maturity) [upcoming]
  • Health [upcoming]

Our first focus is business & income, but we’re actively planning on expanding to the other mentioned areas.

Our main courses are in-depth, engaging and action-oriented, helping you take actionable steps that propel you towards your goal.

We provide our main courses through our own online educational platform. Some of our minor courses (particularly some of those we make available free of charge) may be provided as e-mail courses or as e-books.

Please also see our Terms and Conditions.

The main courses you purchase with us are made available to you instantly post-purchase through our online educational platform. They are accessible by logging into your My Account page (always available through the main menu on our website) and proceeding to the “My Courses” section.

When you purchase a course with us the first time, your account is created and your password is e-mailed to you. When you’re logged in, you can change your password as you please.

If you purchase subsequent courses with us, they will all be added to your “My Courses” section as well, provided you use the same e-mail address you used the first time you purchased a course with us. You will then be prompted to log in during the purchasing process (if you are not already).

Yes they are! They may only be used through our platform though. So as long a you keep your account with us, the courses you purchased will be yours to use for the rest of your life. 

Depending on the course it may or may not be possible to retake it (resetting it and starting from scratch), but all the lessons and their content will always remain available to you.

Note that the courses are for your personal use only. You are not allowed to share your account with others (not even to members of your own household or family and friends). You are not allowed to copy or download any part of the courses except if explicitly so indicated (e.g. workbooks etc.). You may not share or (re)publish any part of the courses

This applies to all our courses, not just to the courses you purchased; also to any course or material we made personally available to you for free.

Please also see our Terms and Conditions.

At this point in time we do not. We are considering setting up 1-on-1 coaching services in the future though.

When we start providing coaching services, the primary focus will be “business coaching”; helping you in setting up and/or improving your small (online) business. Coaching in the area of personal development would be the next priority. We aren’t considering setting up coaching related to health ourselves though.

We might (also) be setting up collaborations with other authorities in these 3 areas to provide you with premium access to 1-on-1 coaching. 

Stay tuned for all of this and feel free to express to us your needs and desires in this area.

No, Distinguished You is not aimed at providing Business Consultancy services.

But as mentioned in the previous answer, we are considering coaching services to small business owners. This would obviously include in depth help in how to setup, run and improve your business. The approach would however be of a more personal nature.

Yes! This is possible in two ways.

Firstly, we’re currently temporarily opening our affiliate program for anyone who buys at least one of our premium courses. Buying the course will automatically register you as an affiliate with us. You’re obviously not obliged to make use of this (you can perpetually not do anything with it), but it provides an easy source of income, for which we have free guides to help you get started with if you do wish to make use of it. 

But if you’re an already established Affiliate Marketer, we’re also very happy to have you as an affiliate. Please reach out to us via our contact page. We’re happy to discuss our Affiliate onboarding process with you.

Not at the moment. But we’re definitely considering setting up an (inter)active community!

In fact, we’re considering having 3 separate communities, one for each of our areas of focus: business/income, personal development and health.

Keep following us and stay tuned!